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Lebanon-Italy: same problems and a common way out?

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A comparative proposal between two centralized countries that can benefit from a localistic reform

Two countries, a long friendship, a common sea, similar problems: the same exit strategy? Lebanon and Italy have many common traits and some clear differences. Both are centralized countries with marked differences between territories, both are experiencing a long-term political-institutional deadlock and are wondering how to get out. According to Elie Elias and Lorenzo Somigli, one way out could be the large devolution of power to local territories and communities. The implementation of a local and bottom-up model could reinvigorate the relationship between the individual/citizen and institutions and improve the transparency and effectiveness of the decision-making process.

Elie Elias born in Beirut is a researcher at the University Holy Spirit of Kaslik (USEK) and teacher of Arab history and history of the 20th-century Middle East in several Lebanese universities. Lorenzo Somigli born in Florence is a Journalist and MENA Analyst for think tanks, foundations, and research centers, co-author with Roberta Văduva of “Now we know your roots are in us” after a reportage in Lebanon.

Keywords: bottom-up, community, identity, Italy, Lebanon, localism, municipalism, politics, powers, reform.


  1. https://www.specialeurasia.com/2021/12/16/lebanon-italy-problems/
  2. https://www.assadakah.net/post/lebanon-italy-same-problems-and-a-common-way-out
  3. https://www.focusonafrica.info/en/lebanon-italy-same-problems-and-a-common-way-out/

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