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That’s why I support Le Z. A chat with David Tanguy

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David Tanguy, a Law student at the University of Caen, is the head of Génération Zemmour, a national youth movement supporting Éric Zemmour, in Calvados (Normandy). We talked with him about his political commitment and values.

Your photo with Le Z triggered so many reactions. How did you feel? Has it sparked so much hatred maybe because it works?

“I was initially surprised by these reactions, but also by their origin because all the people who insulted me and threatened to kill me were people of color, who felt that I had “betrayed my people”. My people are the people of France. At first, I felt a certain amount of concern, before it turned into anger and indignation because the messages I received and still receive sometimes are veritable heaps of hate”. 

What prompted you to commit to politics and why for Zemmour?

“It is the love of the country, the love of France, of this beautiful nation that they want to deconstruct in the name of progressivism but also of the terrible Woke culture. I decided to get involved in politics to carry high the ideas that are mine but also those of thousands of people who, like me, love their country and fear to see it ridiculed and its traditional values reset. I chose to get involved with Éric Zemmour because he is a man of conviction, but also a man of truth. He makes a realistic assessment of our society and the threats that weigh on it. I chose to support him because, in my eyes, he is the only one who can restore order but also get us out of the cultural aggression we are undergoing”.

What do you blame Macron for?

“What I criticize him for is his contempt for the French and his lack of firmness on the international stage. We have all seen the recent images of his meeting with Joe Biden in Rome, during which the President of the United States literally ridiculed him without him saying a word. I blame Emmanuel Macron for throwing the dignity of the state into the fire by putting his private leisure time ahead of his responsibility as head of state, as when he invited men to dance, in inappropriate outfits, on the steps of the Élysée in 2018. Can you imagine such a thing in the Kremlin? I also criticize the president for his lack of reaction to the migratory wave and the great replacement that threatens us, I denounce his inaction and the stature of the man of the passive that he now embodies”.

Macron relaunched the French commitment to Africa but the results are extremely disappointing. Do you think France should change its approach to the former colonies and how?

“I think that France must maintain cordial and diplomatic ties with these countries, but that they must in no way be dependent on our nation; their independence must, in my opinion, be an irremovable guarantee”.

What are your priorities?

“In the immediate future, as head of Génération Zemmour (a national youth movement supporting Zemmour) for Calvados, my priority is to organize militant actions within the department to promote Éric Zemmour’s ideas and mobilize as many people as possible around him. In the long term, my priorities will be to defend France, whose duty is to remain master of its lands, but also to ensure that our ideas reach power, because I deeply believe that we can still save France”.

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