Roger Eddé analyses the “Great Game” – Transatlantic Policy Quarterly 28/07/2022

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Lorenzo Somigli interviewed Roger Eddé for Transatlantic Policy Quarterly

Jbeil, Byblos or Gubla – the primordial denomination – is the ancient propelling heart of the Mediterranean civilization. Here, far from the clamour of Beirut, the houses are made of solid and squared stone eased by arches; the domestic spaces are organized as in the Arab world; only the Latin expression “locus amoenus” describes the aromas and the variety of flowers. In the centre, UNESCO heritage, the muezzin call is in harmony with the Maronite Eglise Saint Jean-Marc. Roger Eddé, international lawyer and entrepreneur, and founder of the Lebanese Party for the Peace, has relaunched Byblos, making it an attractive destination for tourism. At Eddè Sands, food is the best representation of Jbeil syncretism: Middle Eastern flavours with French and Italian influences. This is Transatlantic Policy Quarterly interview with Roger Eddé.

Lorenzo Somigli: In his address to the Washington Post, Biden explained his goals and accused former President Trump of having left the Middle East in turmoil. Yet, the Abrahamic Agreements inaugurated a new post-US order, which also had consequences for NATO: the normalization of relations with Israel and the involvement of Morocco and Tunisia. What is your opinion on the effects on the MENA region?

Roger Eddé: Biden is terribly weakened domestically, he’s very likely losing the midterm elections, and will be facing impeachment and legal issues, regarding Hunter Biden’s corruption and corrupt lifestyle. Damaging information is piling up weekly, with conservative media covering it, especially Fox News and Fox Nation specials on Hunter and the family’s questionable businesses. Biden is rejected already by his “woke” left and the centre left of the democrats. Blaming Trump for his foreign policy irrelevance isn’t helping him. Putin’s war on Ukraine couldn’t have happened on Trump’s watch! His visit to Israel and Saudi Arabia will bear no substantive results.

Il Tazebao: Raghida Dergham (Beirut Institute): “The Structural Flaw in Biden’s Mideast Tour” 19/07/2022

Israel will focus on warning him about his desperate attempt to appease the Islamic Regime in Tehran. The Saudi leadership will be as adamant in warning him about Iran’s ideological commitment to the Mahdi’s End of Times ideology; and about the reasons why a nuclear Iran will use nuclear armament, even if it means Armageddon. As for oil production, Saudi Arabia is bound by Opec+ in its coordination with Putin’s Russia. In my opinion, it’s a visit that will restore Biden’s personal relationship with MBS.

As for the Abrahamic Peace Process, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will follow it up, directly with Israel. They don’t need Biden’s involvement. Steps are taken in the right direction and the de facto alliance is developing quietly, to resist Iran’s threats to the MENA Region and World Order.

Read full text in TPQ: Interview – Roger Eddé Analyses the “Great Game”

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